Limit Show 2017 Results
Best Bitch and BIS:
Viv Matthews and Lesley Wearings Miofrey Goosebumps
Reserve Best Bitch and RBIS:
John Crooks & Jane Crook’s Uftonponds Making Waves JW
Best Bitch Puppy and BPIS:
Sharon Spencer & Ron Spencer’s Ashronsha Sweet Dreams
Best Veteran in Show:
Sheena Peck’s Enesha Curly Wurly
Best Dog and BOS:
Wendy Mitchell’s Diceulon The Desperado with Winuwuk JW
Reserve Best Dog:
James Whitfield’s Panalobo Strike A Deal with Farfield
Best Dog Puppy:
Sheena Peck’s Manic Keep It Real for Enesha
Show Photographer Yulia Titovets