Open Show June 2024

Open Show – 16th June 2024

Judge: Christine Gordon (Rustibee)

Principal Winners (l-r):
L to r – BD & BIS:
Fiona Godwin’s Sultash Prince of Hearts with RBIS, BOS & BB: Fiona Godwin’s Sultash
Pictured with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

RBIS, BOS & BB: Fiona Godwin’s Sultash Enable with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

RBD: Susan Kuech’s Boese Jiggerlardo:

RBB: Susan Drinkwater’s Sulez Teaser:

L to r – BPB & BPIS: Susan Drinkwater’s Sulez Smashedit, and BPD: Julie Brown & Tim Hutchings’ Winuwuk Under Your Spell, with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

L to r – BVIS Sheena Peck’s Manic Keeping It Real With Enesha, and BVB, Sharon Spencer’s Ashrona Wildest Dreams, with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

BVIS: Sheena Peck’s Manic Keeping It Real With Enesha, with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

BVB: Sharon Spencer’s Ashrona Wildest Dreams, with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

BPD: Julie Brown & Tim Hutchings’ Winuwuk Under Your Spell, with Judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):

BPB & BPIS: Susan Drinkwater’s Sulez Smashedit, with judge Christine Gordon (Rustibee):


I would like to thank the committee and the members of the club for inviting me to judge this show. I would also like to thank all exhibitors for presenting your dogs today in such outstanding condition; I always feel it is an honour to be asked to go over these dogs. I hope first or last you enjoyed the day as much as I did, remember you all took the best dog home with you.


Minor Puppy Dog (2).
1st & BPD, Brown & Hutchings, Winuwuk Under Your Spell, balanced dog with typical masculine head and dark eyes, good mouth and dentition, well padded muzzle, correct stop and rise of skull, good sized well placed ears , gave alert expression, well arched neck to correct shoulders, held his level top line on the move, straight front assembly, good bone, chest area developing well, upright pattern and tight feet.Well sprung and layback of rib to short broad loin. Developing rear angulation and showing decent second thigh, moved well.
2nd Seeney, Maranseen Youbetcha, another balanced male, showing correct development, balanced masculine head with dark expressive eyes well place and correct shape, deep stop and smooth rise to Clean broad skull with correct placed ear carriage. Muscular neck to correct top line and tail set. Balanced front and rear angulation developing well. Nice in outline. Moved well, as yet not the front of one.
Junior Dog (1).
1st Merritt’s Diceulon Top Hat and Tails at Marquin. Well balanced male, clean blocky head, good mouth, deep stop and rise to clean skull, dark well shaped eyes, well placed ear carriage, gave very good expression. Well arched neck to correct shoulders and deep chest straight front with good bone and tight feet, well sprung ribs, short back with level top line, loin and rear quarter musculation developing well with good rear angulation and well let down hocks, move well.
Post Graduate Dog (1).
1st Peck & Aimes, Winuwuk Line Of Duty for Enesha, male of good size with plenty of substance, balanced blocky masculine head, dark eyes of good shape and size, deep stop and clean rise of skull to well placed ears of correct size, strong neck to straight front assembly with good bone to tight feet, well sprung ribs to short broad well muscled loin, level topline and short back, good rear angulation and second thigh, moved well.
Limit Dog (4).
1st BD & BIS Godwin’s Sultash Prince Of Hearts. Very Nicely balanced in outline both standing and on the move with strong masculine head, dark expressive eyes, good mouth and dentition, well-padded muzzle, good stop and rise of clean skull, well placed ear carriage, gave good alert expression. Clean strong lines well arched muscular neck to correct shoulder placement. Sound bone straight front assembly, deep chest, well sprung and good lay back off ribs, good tuck up to short broad muscular loin, level top line to correct tail set, Muscular rear quarters with correct rear angulation good length of second thigh and well let down hocks. Moved with drive and reach, handled very well, always looking on his toes, just kept the attention span going.
2nd Brown & Hutchings Winuwuk Walk It Talk It, Masculine head, with dark eyes, good mouth with well-padded muzzle, clean skull well placed ear carriage. Clean strong neck to level top line correct front and rear assembly, well sprung ribs, and good tuck up, correct tail set, moved well.
Open Dog(2).
1st Kuech, Boese Jiggerlardo JW, Strong looking male with good size and bone, balanced masculine head, good mouth, well padded muzzle with correct lip placement, broad nostrils, deep stop, dark expressive eyes, well placed ears of correct size and shape. Muscular neck to good shoulder placement, correct front assembly with tight feet and upright pasterns, Deep broad chest to well sprung ribs and nice tuck up, muscled back and short broad loin, level top line with correct tail set. Well muscled rear quarters with good angulation, moved well.
2nd Godwin’s Sultash Cunco. A sound male of decent size, with many of the attributes of 1st above, balanced in outline and is very well put together, a dog with a lovely masculine head, dark expressive eyes, deep stop, well-placed ears, gave an alert expression, strong neck, short back correct conformation fore and aft. Moved well, presented in excellent condition, and well handled.
Special Open D/B (2)1.
1st Cook, Lobeaubox Lena Marelli, Feminine clean head with defined dark mask, good mouth, deep stop and rise to skull, dark well shaped eyes, good-sized well-placed ears. Strong arched neck to shoulders and straight front with sound bone and tight feet, well sprung ribs, nice tuck up. Short back level top line, rear quarters well developed muscular with good rear angulation and well let down hocks, move okay.
Special Beginners D/B (2)1.
1st Ede-Rolfe Melomigs Juniper, of good size with substance balanced in outline when settled, clean feminine head, well padded muzzle open nostrils, dark eyes of good shape and size, deep stop and rise of skull, arched neck to good shoulder placement, straight front assembly with good bone to tight feet, well sprung ribs to short broad well muscled loin, level topline and short back, muscular rear quarters with decent angulation and defined second thigh. This was the dog and handlers first show, movement and control need some work, but both appeared to enjoy themselves in the ring.
Veteran D/B (6)1.
1st Peck’s Manic Keep It Real for Enesha, larger male, balanced in outline with clean masculine head well padded muzzle, correct lip placement open nostrils, deep stop and smooth rise of skull to well-placed ear carriage, used well to show alert expression. Strong muscular arched neck to good layback of shoulders, straight sound front assembly, and tight feet with upright pasterns, deep chest to well sprung ribs, correct tuck up to broad loin, short back, rear quarters and second thigh well muscled with good angulation and let down hocks, settled down to move well. A worthy winner in a very nice class.
2nd Spencer’s Ashronsha Wildest Dreams, broad clean lovely feminine head, dark expressive eyes, deep stop and rise of skull, well placed ear carriage used to give good expression. Clean well arched neck to good shoulder placement level top line and short back, with broad muscular loin. Straight, strong front assembly with sound bone, upright pasterns and tight feet, well sprung rib, and good tuck up, balanced muscled rear quarters with defined second thigh, decent rear angulation moved okay.
3rd Barnhill’s Maranseen Endeavour.
4th Mitchell’s Diceulon Idaho.
Minor Puppy Bitch (4).
1st & BPIS Drinkwater’s. Sulez Smashedit. Lovely baby in an excellent class. Balanced in sharp outline, clean feminine head with soft dark expressive eyes, good mouth and dentition, showing obvious chin, well padded muzzle, large open nostrils, deep stop and clean rise of skull to well placed ear carriage of good size, used well to gave alert expression. Crisp elegant neck to good layback of shoulders, straight front assembly, nice sound bone, tight feet and upright pasterns, chest developing very nicely with well sprung ribs and correct lay back to good tuck up and short broad loin Musculation on rear quarters and second thigh developing well with good angulation and let down hocks. move well for her age with correct drive and reach obvious. A one to watch.
2nd Brown & Hutchings Winuwuk Ghostly Affair. Another lovely feminine head with much of the attributes of one. Clean balanced head with broad mouth and correct dentition, padded muzzle, deep stop dark eyes and clean rise of skull, ears of good size and shape well placed used very well for alert expression. Body very much as one, giving a sharp balanced outline in profile with chest developing well. Moved very well. very little to choose between these two babies, another one to watch.
3rd Seeney’s, Maranseen Serendipity.
4th Edison’s, Lanfrese Agino.
Puppy Bitch (6).
1st Cook’s, Boese Jiggerlotti, Feminine head with dark eyes, good mouth, well padded muzzle, good stop and rise of skull, well placed ear carriage, used to give good expression. Well arched neck of good length to level top line with short back. correct shoulder placement to straight well boned front assembly, upright pasterns. to tight feet. Chest developing well to well sprung rib, correct tuck up to short broad muscular loin, well-muscled rear quarters and decent angulation moved well.
Junior Bitch (2).
1st Cherry’s Cherryforge Hint Of Russian, with a clean balanced head, dark well shaped expressive eyes, good mouth and dentition, well padded muzzle, good stop and clean rise of skull. Well arched neck to good shoulders straight front assembly with sound bone tight feet and upright pasterns, well sprung ribs, and good tuck up to muscular loin, short back and level topline, good rear quarters and angulation looked balanced in profile. Took a while to settled but moved okay.
2nd Ede-Rolfe, Melomigs Juniper.
Novice Bitch (5).
1st Godwin & Cherry, Jimbren Destined For Love with Sultash, a nice outline, clean feminine head, with dark eyes, well-padded muzzle, good mouth and dentition, deep stop and rise of skull, well placed ear carriage. Clean well arched neck to correct shoulder placement, straight front assembly with strong bone, upright pasterns and tight feet, well sprung ribs, muscled short back and loin with good tailset, muscled rear quarters and second thigh moved with drive around the ring.
2nd Mitchell’s, Diceulon Hermione. Genuinely nice clean head with well shaped dark eyes, good mouth, well-padded muzzle, good stop and rise of skull, with correct ear carriage. Strong neck to good shoulder placement and strong front assembly with good bone to tight feet, deep chest with well sprung ribs and lay back to short muscular loin, short back, level top line, good rear angulation moved okay when settled.

Post Graduate Bitch (5)1.
1st Lock’s, Romanico Bacctu Clarricks JW, presented in excellent condition, broad clean feminine head, dark expressive eyes, well-padded muzzle, good stop and rise of skull, well placed ear carriage, gave good expression. Well arched neck to level top line and broad well muscled loin, correct shoulder placement and front assembly with sound bone, upright pasterns and tight feet, well sprung ribs, short back, good rear angulation move with drive, a well-deserved winner in this class.
2nd Elsworth’s, Sugarwood Patt Pending to Misstricks. Another presented in good condition, broad clean feminine head, dark expressive eyes, deep stop and rise of skull, well placed ear carriage, giving good expression. Clean well arched neck to correct shoulder placement and front assembly with sound bone, upright pasterns and tight feet, well sprung ribs and deep chest, with good tuck up, balanced muscular rear good angulation moved well.
3rd Barnhill’s. Maranseen Lushious.
4th Taylor & Lay’s Wivendene Summer Tyme with Swiftwood.
Limit Bitch (6) 2.
1st & RBB, Drinkwater’s, Sulez Teaser. Sharp and well balanced in outline, of good size with plenty of substance. Lovely Feminine head with well padded muzzle, broad mouth and level dentition with good lip placement and defined chin, deep stop and correct rise of skull, well shaped expressive dark eyes, excellent use of ears showing an alert expression. Muscular neck of good length to correct layback of shoulders, deep chest, straight front with sound bone and tight feet, well sprung ribs, and good tuck up, well muscled rear quarters with correct angulation, kept her level top line on the move, moved with reach and drive, well handled.
2nd Godwin’s, Sultash Charisma. Another lovely bitch with most of the attributes of one, balance and square in outline, feminine head with good mouth and dentition, padded muzzle deep stop and clean rise of skull, correct ear placement giving alert expression, strong arched neck of good length to short back with correct tailset, topline level stood or on the move, very good front assembly, sound straight bone to upright pasterns and tight feet. Deep chest and correct lay back of well sprung ribs to short muscular loin. Rear quarters muscled and well angulated.
Close decision between the first two.
3rd Spencer’s. Uftonponds Maid By The Loch at Ashronsha.
4th Betts, Surfstone Brainstorm to Trumist.
Open Bitch (3)1
1st RBIS. BOS. Godwin’s, Sultash Enable. Lovely Feminine head, dark eyes, deep stop and rise of skull to well placed ear carriage of good size and shape used well to give expression. Well arched neck to good shoulder placement, strong looking front assembly with straight sound bone, upright pasterns and tight feet., Deep chest to well sprung laid-back ribs, tight tuck up. Level top line, leading to broad short muscular loin and correct tail set, muscled rear quarters showing good second thigh and well let down hocks, moved with drive and reach, keeping her top line level on the move or stood. Very well handled.
2nd Wheeler’s, Olibetay Bella Rose at Hipkins JW. Another lovely bitch, balanced in outline, feminine head with good mouth and dentition, open nostrils, padded muzzle, correct ear placement of correct shape and size giving alert expression, muscled arched neck of good length to short back, level top line with correct tailset, good shoulder placement to very good front assembly, straight with good round bone to upright pasterns and tight feet. Nice deep chest and well sprung ribs to short muscular loin. Rear quarters muscled and well angulated. Moved and handled well.

Chris Gordon (Judge)

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